substantial adj. 1.实质的,真正的;【哲学】实在的,实体的,本体的,本质的。 2.有财产的,有资产的;有真价的,有信用的,可靠的。 3.富裕的;有实力的。 4.有内容的,充实的;有价值的;质地好的,坚固的,坚牢的,结实的。 5.相当的,多额的,很多的;紧要的。 6.大体上的,事实上的(一致、成功等)。 a substantial hope 可靠的希望。 a substantial farmer 富裕的农民。 a man of substantial build 体格结实的人。 a substantial house 坚固的房子。 a substantial concession 相当大的让步。 a substantial improvement 显著的进步。 a substantial point 重要的地点。 n. -ism 【哲学】实体论。 n. -ist 实体论者。 n. -ness
experience n. 1.经验,体验。 2.见识,经历,阅历。 3.〔pl.〕 【宗教】灵性的感受。 E- is the mother of science [wisdom]. 〔谚语〕经验为学问之母。 an unpleasant experience一次不愉快的经历。 a man of vast worldly experience富有处世经验的人。 have experience with (persons) 和(某些人)打交道有经验。 experience in teaching 教学经验。 E- keeps a clear school. 经验学校学费高;苦头吃得多,学问也增多。 E- teaches. =E- does it. 经验使人聪明。 vt. 1.经验,体验。 2.感受,经历。 3.(从经验中)知道,发现。 be thoroughly [poorly] experienced in 在…方面十分有[缺乏]经验。 experience great pleasure 觉得很快活。 experience religion [美俚]获得信仰。 adj. -able ,-less adj.,-r n.
Substantial experience in selling technical chemical items 有销售技术、化学品的丰富经验。
Substantial experience in selling technical chemical items 具有销售技术、化学品方面的丰富经验。
Mr . yang qianwu has substantial experiences in acting as a corporate legal counsel 杨乾武律师在公司与企业法律事务方面拥有丰富的经验。
With your substantial experience in financial markets and excellent english , your clients must have great confidence in you 索你金融经验丰富,英语也这么好,客户对你一定有信心!
For geometric correction . substantial experience and skills are needed for staff undertaking the geo - coding of remote sensing images 要求承担遥感图像几何纠正的员工具备丰富的经验和技能。
Mr . lau also has substantial experience and knowledge of the internet industry and of investment in technology companies in the prc 刘先生在中国互联网业及科技公司投资方面有着丰富的经验和知识。
The brand identity of international property management reflects its substantial experience in the industry since 1970 and its pursue of continuous improvement 国际物业管理的品牌源自1970年起所累积的丰富管理经验和不断求进的企业精神。
With our substantial experience and professional knowledge , we offer a comprehensive range of leasing services to our customers so as to catch up with the market demands 藉著丰富的管理经验及专业知识,富城亦为客户提供综合的租赁服务,以配合市场需要。
Despite these constant threats , aircraft losses to hostile fire in these operations can be counted on one hand , thanks to intricate planning , substantial experience , and advanced hardware 尽管威胁一直存在,在这些战斗行动中因敌军射击而导致的飞机损失确是寥寥无几,这要归功于详尽的计划,丰富的经验,以及先进的设备。